"Have you lost all hope? Have you ever looked at the sky when you wake in the morning? At dawn, don't you want to see the sun rise? The red and yellow of the sun at sunset, don't you want to see that anymore? Have you seen the moon? Don't you want to see the stars? The night of the full moon, don't you want to see it again? You want to close your eyes?"
太可爱了 笑中带泪 掌握人生要义 不惧怕死亡 不胆战心惊的活着 你忙着窥探别人的生活 怎么会有时间过好自己的人生 要去看广阔世界 要勇敢迈出脚步 要去舞蹈 要去爱 整个观影过程太享受了 嬉笑打闹 疯狂热烈 细腻动人 圣诞节看花灯偷开走被拖走的蓝色小车好玩死了 查理去罗马前担心电视信号看不到阿森纳和热刺比赛也好可爱 结尾处脱掉高跟鞋蹬上单车跳向船尾去吃可颂 整段都动人到泪目 Timothy竟然如此有魅力 晚间电影太治愈了我好快乐