用KFC做主菜的恶趣味,导演你是黑KFC还是给KFC打广告..感觉其他演员的状态和节奏跟马修搭不上,但现实中也真真切切会有如此荒诞的故事在发生。“how old are you now?” "I am 12" "so am i"是精髓。
出乎意料的喜欢(虽然并不喜欢开头说什么不是love story和后来几乎一边倒的贬低summer都倾向),但还不错吧,it lightens my bother. like he says, don’t ever attribute all cosmetic mysteries to a single human event. Coincidence, that’s all it is. There is no such thing as destiny, just coincidence. So just go for it. It’s the moment. 囧瑟夫太可爱辽